Kirkham Middleton Architects

The Coach House
139A Queens Road
Clarendon Park

Tel: 0116 220 0321

Rutland Clocktower Restoration

Clocktower Restoration – Grade 2, Rutland

Clocktower Restoration
KM Architects client on this most interesting conservation project was a well known public school in Rutland. The school needed restoration of their historic grade 2 listed Clock Tower, which is a prominent feature extending above a roof in the school’s Victorian quadrangle, together with work to the adjoining roofs. The school had commissioned a condition survey of the grade 2 listed Clock Tower and adjoining roofs which highlighted essential work needed from a safety point of view, to stop further deterioration and to preserve this historic feature.

The grade 2 listed Clock Tower is a most important part of the school’s identity in a sensitive location, being both in a conservation area and in the proximity of grade 1 listed buildings. The work was to include restoration of the Clock Tower, the removal of the clock for repair by others, re-fixing of the clock, repair of the bell mechanism and re-slating of the two adjoining roof slopes.

KM Architects produced drawings and submitted an application for listed building consent to the local planning authority which was successfully obtained prior to the production of further drawings for building regulations approval. A specification and further necessary information was then produced, and the building work tendered to reliable local contractors with experience in conservation projects. KM Architects produced a tender report and advised the school on the appointment of contractor.

The clocktower restoration was a ‘like for like repair” as far as practicable; however the existing historic leadwork detailing and construction were not in accordance with current practice. Viable parts of the fabric were retained and the appearance was maintained; however, improvement was needed to the jointing of the leadwork to take account of weathering and to comply with modern building standards and regulations. All the detailing also had to be approved by the conservation officer at Rutland District County Council.

Due to budget constraints the building work then had to be delayed and split into two phases, the first phase to cover the grade 2 listed Clock Tower and the second phase the adjoining roofs. KM Architects revised the tender documents into the two phases, retendered each phase, produced tender reports and advised on the appointment of contractor for each phase.

KM Architects acted as contract administrators for the first phase of the clocktower restoration work on the historic grade 2 listed Clock Tower, drew up a contract between the school and the successful contractor, inspected the progress and quality of work also acted as “Principal Designer” under the 2015 CDM regulations. The first phase has just been completed.

KM Architects are acting as contract administrators and “Principal Designer” under the 2015 CDM regulations for phase two, the re-slating of the adjoining roofs, which is just about to commence on site.

KM Architects have found working on this unusual conservation project to be most rewarding, interesting and worthwhile. The contractors’ workmen on phase one produced a very high standard of work and quality detailing, worthy of this historic structure and preserving it for future generations.


Clocktower restoration

Rutland restoration services